Diploma in Microelectronic Engineering (UniMAP)
Degree in Computer Network Engineering (UniMAP)
Master in Information Security (UPM)
Traveling had become extremely accessible due to the availability of low cost airfares and cheap bed & breakfast options. The world has never been more connected. While traveling may still seem like a far reach to some, Faizal Fredley has achieved the ultimate travel dreams and brought the world closer. Whether you are looking for travel inspirations, or simply to be mesmerised with the beauty of the world, Faizal has something for everyone.
Introducing Faizal Fredley
Faizal is an engineer by profession and he believes that it is best to travel when he can (while still young). Furthermore, he has Graduate Diploma in Microelectronic Engineering & Degree in Computer Network Engineering. Currently, he is a Postgraduate Student and also an entrepreneur running his own business in IT. He retired from his engineering profession at the age of 26 to pursue his passion and dreams of travelling.
Jotting Down His Journey
Faizal is fully supported by his blogger team mates who continuously support his journey as both a traveller and a blogger. They often meet up frequently to exchange ideas, inputs and share experiences. All reviews on his wonderful escapades are published instantaneously. In addition, he will throw in some added reviews on gadgets that support his traveling journey such as portable wifi.
Faizal’s Calling To The World
It first started off as a term assignment to design a blog during university studies at diploma level. However, the tables took a turn and it turned out to be a passion a year later. After mingling with his classmates and the online bloggers community, it motivated him to go a step further. In the early days, he covered all topics ranging from lifestyle, food, gadgets and even travels. Upon being recognised and awarded the Best Travel Blog in Malaysia Social Media Week (MSMW) 2013, he decided to become more active in this field. He realised that traveling is his main passion and determined to focus as a travel blogger. That is when he started to embark internationally.
Bringing His Travels To Greater Heights
Faizal is collaborating with giant clients such as Skyscanner with Indonesian Tourism Board and also Tripadvisor. In addition, he is seeking for more international collaboration and aiming for inaugural flights with world class airlines. While his main audience are ASEAN countries’ youngsters who are passionate travelers, Faizal is currently expanding his audience to international level. Traveling has its own set of challenges as there are often communication barrier in places where English is not used extensively. However, knowing Faizal’s undying spirit and love for challenges, he will achieve anything that he sets his mind to.
Travel Like a boss. Have the ultimate traveling life possibly every corner and share these experience with others less fortunate.”– FAIZAL FREDLEY
Malaysia’s Top 10 Travel Bloggers 2017 (Winner)
Top 50 Travel Blog / Travel Website (ASEAN UP)
Got Wanderlust You Need to Know These 9 Travel Bloggers in Malaysia (
WanderMust: Travel Bloggers in Malaysia to Inspire You! (Traveloka)
Top 25 Travel Bloggers in Malaysia (
Most Popular Bloggers in Malaysia 2015 (
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Senarai Top Travel Malaysia (
Malaysia Social Media Week Awards 2013 Best Travel Blog (Winner)
Malaysia Social Media Week Awards 2014 Best Travel Blog (Runner Up)
Malaysia Social Media Week Awards 2016 Best Travel Blog
Anugerah Pilihan Online 2016 – Blog Pilihan (Top 18)
Ranking Top 10 Blog Personal Berdasarkan Alexa Malaysia (
Top 23 Blog Malaysia paling Popular 2013
Utusan Malaysia (Cuti Cuti Bajet)
Utusan Malaysia (Blogger Pilihan)
Majalah Remaja Edisi Jun 2013
Majalah Remaja Edisi November 2014
TV Al Hijarah (Assalamualaikum)
Kosmo (Gadget untuk Travel)
Sinar Harian (Backpacker)
Walla TV1 (Blogger Jemputan)
Malaysia Airline Magazine
Honda Malaysia | Skycanner | Cosmoderm | Agoda | | Airbnb | Pacific Regency Hotel | Hard Rock Hotel Penang | Malaysia Tourism | Korea Tourism | SGI Vacation Club Berhad | Taiwan Tourism | Travel Mob | Blackberry | Lenovo | Samsung | Asus | Yilan County Government | Creative Industry Centre of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan | Malindo Air | Sri Lankan Airlines | Saimurai Wifi | Serverfreak | Traveloka | Hotel Combine | Expedia Malaysia & Singapore | JNTO | Malaysia Airlines | Air Asia
Malaysia | Indonesia | Taiwan | Japan | South Korea | Maldives | Sri Lanka | Hong Kong | Singapore | Thailand | Turkey | Cambodia | Macao | Vietnam | United Arab Emirate | India
England | Scotland | Ireland | Germany | France | Switzerland | Belgium | Hungary | Czech Republic | Italy | Monaco | Spain | Portugal | Ukraine | Iceland | Norway | Sweden | Finland | Denmark
Australia | New Zealand